Website Design, Redesign, Expansion, High Speed Optimization and Hosting

Your Website is Your Business's Digital Brick and Mortar

Website Management

Whether your website hasn’t been updated in years, maybe you have a new business with no website yet or you’re looking for SEO recommendations to increase organic traffic, we can help. If you’re not sure about us or a different web design company, experience is instrumental in this decision. We’re not simply a website design marketing agency, we own and operate businesses as well. In management of businesses along with marketing, we have experience in growing a multiple location business by 50% in 6 months. The difference is we are a sales-focused team who optimizes websites with one goal in mind…generating revenue. Clicks and impressions do not necessarily mean more customers are converting to sales for your business. How do you turn that traffic into money in the bank? That’s our speciality.

High Speed Website Hosting ONLY

Do you know the mobile load speed and performance of your website? One of the most common misconceptions the average business makes is assuming every customer visits their website from a place with high speed Wifi internet speeds. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. How long does it take your website to load in a downtown city with poor reception or in the country where there’s maybe one bar? Do all of your customers have the most expensive cellular plans or do a lot of them have lower cost plans with slower bandwidths?

The large majority of the public does have high speed home and office internet speeds. However, when upwards of 90% of traffic is mobile, it’s essential to host your website on a server that is equally as fast at loading as the Wifi internet speeds. Website load speed is a 2-way street where both the speed of the server and the speed of the device’s internet connection affect the overall website performance as well as customer experience on your website.

In 2006, Amazon did a study confirming every 100 milliseconds, that’s 1/10th of a second, in added page load time cost 1% in Revenue. In 2006, 1% in Revenue was around $107 million versus today, this would be about $3.8 BILLION! How much does a few seconds in mobile load speed performance cost your business?

How does hosting affect SEO?

Full Scale Approach: Website Optimization for Conversions and Lead Generation

All too often websites are designed with more menu items than anyone can count let alone click on separately with their finger on a smart phone. Every B2C or B2B business for that matter should have one goal in mind with the architecture of their website….more conversions, more leads and more business in the door. If your lead form CTA (call-to-action) button is not highlighted to standout from the rest of your website’s navigation, your current website management company is missing the singular goal of your website…to generate leads for your business.

The secondary goal is to provide enough information to answer the basic FAQs, frequently asked questions, by customers and an outline of what your business does as a whole for your customer base. Our holistic approach in website design, hosting and management engineers growth through implementing valuable SEO (search engine optimization) content to increase lead volume by way of higher organic ranking whilst removing the unnecessary content that does not increase conversion rate.


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